
Kite Club Cabarete is on the North Shore of the Caribbean island of Dominican Republic.


The closest Airport is Puerto Plata (POP). Cabarete is due east just a 20 minute transfer away ($35) There are other Airports in DR like Santiago (1.5hr away) and Santo Domingo (4hrs away). For your convenience it is recommended you fly into Puerto Plata.


Kite Club is on the upwind tip of Kite Beach , just west of Cabarete Bay and Downtown Cabarete. There is a transfer service running from Surf Camp to Kite Beach every day at 11.30am. Or you can walk from Cabarete Bay along the beach or take a “Moto Concho” (motorbike taxi) for around RD$40 or a Car Taxi for RDS300. Keep an eye out for the Kite Club sign or cal 809 571 9748 for directions.